Applying to CIVITAS
"CIVITAS has helped me become a better writer and public speaker. My sophomore speech class really helped me find my own voice as a writer and speaker and helped me get over my fear of speaking in front of crowds.
"CIVITAS has given me an opportunity to look beyond just my community and my demographic, but expanded my perspective to others, and their struggles. This isn't to say that I have ignored or cast aside my own community, but I am able to understand others and their experiences as well as my own."
"Being a CIVITAS student has has been an incredible experience that has allowed me to connect with people from my entire community. It has given me to tools to act with compassion, empathy, and understanding and has allowed me to grow not just as a student but as a person."
"CIVITAS has really helped me to become more involved in my community and my school. I've always been interested in history, but it wasn't until right before high school when I thought about pursuing politics and public service. CIVITAS has allowed me to learn and grow as a student and has given me a ton of oppurtunities and skills that I will continue to use for the rest of my life."
For those who have not been interviewed, second round interviews will be held 1/8. You will receive your invitation to interview via email.
Application will close on 1/1, so if you are still planning to apply, please do that by 1/1
Acceptance/Denials/Waitlists decisions will be emailed to all applicants after we have the opportunity to interview the remaining applicants on 1/8. Our hope is to send those emails out the week of 1/13-1/17
Email Mrs. Sumers with any questions: leigh.sumers@sanjuan.edu
Application Information
*CIVITAS has a rolling admissions policy & accepts applications until we reach capacity. Start completing these tasks ASAP!
Academic Record Requirements
A 3.0 grade in both English and Social Studies
Satisfactory citizenship grades (B or higher) in ALL classes; minor, if any, infractions/incidents requiring disciplinary action
No excessive attendance issues
Verification of these requirements (examples: transcripts and report cards)
CIVITAS Contract
Includes student and parent participation requirements
Student and parent signatures required
Recommendation Letters
1 recommendation form must be completed by a current teacher
The other form can be completed by an adult of the student’s choice (coach, pastor/rabbi, club adviser, etc.).
Family members CANNOT complete a student’s recommendation form or application
Students should attach their recommendations to their application form found here -->
If a teacher/personal reference would like to email them directly to Mrs. Sumers they may. The application can be turned in without the recommendations attached.
Complete the online application
Download the application documents listed above
Provide your recommenders with the appropriate forms
Submit required documents: Permission to Apply/Participation Contract, copy of transcript or grade reports from 7th and 8th grade
We have edited the application form, you may now turn the form in without the letters of recommendation. If your teacher/personal reference would like to email the recommendations to Mrs. Sumers, they may do so. ​
Once all forms have been submitted, students will be emailed an invitation to interview. Check emails regularly. At the interview appointment, students will be questioned about their interest in this specialized program and have a chance to ask the interview panel questions they have about CIVITAS and life at Rio in general. In addition, students will write a spontaneous response to a current topic.
Shortly after completing the interview, students will be notified of acceptance. If there are more than 35 qualified students per class, a waiting list will be established. Placement on the waiting list will be determined by the criteria outlined above.